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WeARE Educating

WeARE provides education programming to youth and the community on reproductive health. WeARE committed to the vision that all youth, young adults, and the underserved in the Brainerd Lakes Area have access to accurate, evidence-based reproductive education. We aim to empower youth and young adults to make informed decisions about their health and well-being.

Each of our education services has program costs and we are committed to providing these opportunities to the community. If you would like to donate to our education services, please click below.

Comprehensive Reproductive Education

Let's Talk education programming is based on topic areas including: birth control, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), reproductive anatomy, consent, healthy relationships, parent workshops and gender 101. WeARE educators are trained facilitators, giving diverse options for activities, lesson plans and content. Our outreach education in the community supports our commitment to provide medically accurate, evidence-based information to youth,  young adults and parents.

All of the courses are 45-60 minutes, unless otherwise specified, and appropriate for grades 6-12.
Accessibility is a core value.
We suggest a $50-$100 donation per class.

Ready to schedule a class or have more questions?
Please fill out our form or reach out to:

Education Coordinator:

Chloe Baker



In partnership with The Shop, WeARE provides SxTalks to at-risk youth from the Brainerd Lakes Area. The program is structured to provide evidence-based info about consent, birth control, STIs, sexting, pornography, healthy relationships and more.

Lunch & Learn

In partnership with Central Lakes College Nursing Department, WeARE provides Lunch & Learn sessions once a month that cover common health-related topics such as: PrEP-HIV Prevention, Sex Trafficking and Online Danger, Birth Control, STI's and Pregnancy, Vaccinations, and more. The sessions include lunch and a speaker; many times WeARE doctors or nurses and occasionally a guest speaker from other organizations.

Illusion Theater

Multiple times each school year, WeARE partners with Illusion Theater to bring relevant performances to our community. Programs emphasize what young people may face when navigating middle and high school. Content correlates with federal, state and local school guidelines concerning both developmental and 
learning recommendations.

Upward Bound

Upward Bound serves high school students from low-income families and families in which neither parent holds a bachelor's degree. The goal of Upward Bound is to increase the rate at which participants complete secondary education and graduate from institutions of postsecondary education.


Each summer, as part of Upward Bound, WeARE staff provides 30 hours of sexual health education programming on the campus of CLC for 60 students enrolled in the program. Topics include healthy relationships, consent, STIs and contraception.


Our Rad Resources

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