Our Services

The Clinic offers confidential reproductive healthcare services, education, and community outreach. No person will be denied needed services based on age, race, gender, sexual orientation, or the ability to pay.
Our services at WeARE-The Clinic include: birth control, STI testing, emergency contraception (also known as “the morning after pill” or “Plan B”), pregnancy testing and resources, transgender care, preventative health care, and more. See below for more about the services we provide. Questions? Text us at 218.838.6280. Our team will respond within 24 hours (usually sooner!). Or, call us at 218.454.1546.
For information about our outreach site at Central Lakes College, click below.
Birth Control
Your WeARE healthcare provider can help you decide which type of birth control will work best for your life and goals. No matter which type you choose, you must use it correctly to be effective. At WeARE, we’ll answer your questions and offer education with no judgment.
The Implant
The implant is a very small rod inserted under the skin of a woman’s upper arm to provide birth control. It slowly releases progesterone and is highly effective. The Implant is effective for at least 3 years.
The Pill
The Combination pill contains estrogen and progesterone and is taken daily. The combination pill is highly effective when taken correctly. Women generally get regular periods on this pill.
The Shot
The shot is an injection of the hormone progesterone that provides birth control for 3 months. It is administered by a healthcare professional.
External Condom
An external (or male) condom is a thin covering worn on the penis during sex. Condoms are the only method of birth control that also prevents STIs.
An intrauterine device (IUD) is a small, t-shaped piece of plastic inserted into the uterus. The procedure is done in the clinic and provides birth control by releasing the hormone progesterone or copper. It is effective for 3-10 years depending on the type of IUD.
The Patch
Like the combination pill, the patch contains estrogen and progesterone. It comes as a small square film that adheres to the skin and is changed weekly.
The Ring
The ring also contains estrogen and progesterone and is a small, flexible piece of plastic that’s inserted into the vagina to provide birth control. The ring only needs to be inserted once a month.
Internal Condom
A female (or internal) condom is a pouch that’s inserted in the vagina or anus before sex for birth control and protection against STIs.
STI Testing
STIs (sexually transmitted infections) and STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) mean the same thing. STI/STDs are shared through unprotected oral, vaginal, or anal sex with someone who has an infection. Some are caused by bacteria (which can be cured!), and some are caused by a virus (which can be treated!).
It is simple to protect yourself against STIs. The most effective way to prevent STIs is to choose not to have sex (abstinence), but if someone chooses to have sex, to stay safe, they can:
use barrier protection (condoms or dental dams) correctly and every time
get tested
Testing is important. Many people who have an STI may not have any symptoms, or symptoms might be very mild. If you are experiencing symptoms, contact WeARE to make an appointment for testing.
It is a good idea for young people under 25 to get tested for STIs:
Each year
before having sex with a new partner,
if a current or past partner has had an STI or any new symptoms
at least 2 weeks
after having sex with a new partner
after a condom breaks or unprotected sex
Testing is confidential, and our medical professionals are ready to answer any questions you may have while making a treatment plan if needed.
Symptoms of STIs
Symptoms for people with female anatomy:
Abnormal vaginal bleeding
Pain with urination or low abdominal pain
Pain with intercourse
Genital itching or sores
Symptoms for people with male anatomy:
Discomfort or pain with urination or ejaculation
Discharge from penis
Genital sores
Types of STIs
Chlamydia and Gonorrhea
Bacterial infections. These are tested together often with a urine test and can be cured with Antibiotics. Chlamydia is very common and can lead to infertility in women if not treated.
Viral infection. This infection is the cause for AIDS and can be detected through a blood test from the arm or finger. There are medications available to treat the infection.
Viral infection. This infection causes genital warts and is linked to genital, anal and oral cancers. It is detected on pap smears. There are treatments available as well as a vaccine to prevent disease.
Bacterial infection. This infection can be detected through a blood test from the arm or finger and can be cured with Antibiotics.
Viral infection. This infection causes sores that can be detected by a swab of the sores or from a blood sample. There are medications available to treat the infection.
Other Clinic Services
Emergency Contraception
Emergency contraception (Plan B or "the morning after pill") is a very safe and effective form of contraception that can be taken after unprotected sex to prevent pregnancy. We provide all patients with emergency contraception to use if needed.
Breast Exams
Breast exams can detect a lump in your breast and other changes that might require more testing. Breast exams are one of the most important early breast cancer screenings.
Bariatric Surgery Support
If you've had or are planning to have Bariatric Surgery (weight-loss surgery), managing birth control is very important. WeARE provides the information and support you need before and after surgery.
Transgender Care
WeARE offers supportive and inclusive care for the Transgender and gender diverse community.
Pregnancy Testing
We can provide you with free, safe, and confidential pregnancy testing, including printed guide for area resources.
Pregnancy Resources
If you are pregnant, we encourage you to schedule an appointment at WeARE-The Clinic first. We can answer questions and help connect you to the right resources.
What to Expect
The Clinic is conveniently located in downtown Brainerd at 615 Oak Street, within walking distance of Brainerd High School, Relationship Safety Alliance, the YMCA and all county service buildings.
We accept insurance and have a sliding fee scale with payment plan options. Many people are also eligible to work with us to enroll in a confidential state insurance plan called the Minnesota Family Planning Program (MFPP) to cover most of our services. We also have grants to ensure that patients receive the services they need. No one is turned away for the inability to pay at WeARE.
We want you to feel safe and welcome at WeARE-The Clinic. Appointments are completely confidential, and our professional medical staff will treat you with respect and understanding as they identify your healthcare needs.
How will my donation be used?Unless you designate something specific, donations offset clinic operational expenses to help WeARE increase access to sexual health education and services in the community.
Is my gift tax deductible?Yep! WeARE is a Section 501(c)(3) organization and exempt from federal income taxes. Donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowable under the law. For donations over $250, WeARE will mail you a donation receipt after the first of the year. WeARE Tax EIN # 81-3828875.
Can I send my donation in the mail?Of course! Thank you. You can mail a check to: WeARE; PO Box 1086, Brainerd, MN 56401
Can I setup an automatic donation from my bank?You bet! Please call our office at 218.454.1546, and we’ll get it set up.
How can I change or cancel my sustaining membership information?You can call our office at 218.454.1546 or email office@wearebrainerd.org.

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